“My purpose is to reignite the spark and bring joy to the lives of individuals. I do this by working with executives to support them in harnessing diversity and creating inclusion, either through 1-on-1 coaching or workshops with executive teams”.

Belinda O’Connor

The corporate world is complex for many reasons, but essentially it is because of one element – humans. Global business has resulted in a melting pot of nationalities, personalities, belief systems, physical attributes and many other factors coming together in today’s modern workplaces. Many would site this phenomena as the basis for a range of problems.

However, BOLT CONSULT recognises that there is a huge opportunity that exists for both companies and individuals. By Harnessing Diversity and Creating Inclusion through Executive Coaching, individuals have the chance to embrace their professional life fully which in turn, presents a raft of benefits at every level.

Belinda O’Connor has 15 years of knowledge and experience in Organisational Performance, Change Management, HR and Recruitment. She is a loyal supporter with a passion to improve people’s lives. The BOLT CONSULT Coaching Programs & Workshops have been developed with compassion and are delivered with efficiency, clarity and accountability.

Learn about Belinda’s career on LinkedIn


Let BOLT CONSULT know your current challenges or requirements to improve your company’s D&I culture.